Managing Change within Organisations
Before effectively addressing the impacts of change there has to be a level of self mastery. If you were to look at a maturity continuum you will see three levels. The first level, dependence: you take care of me; I need you to help me achieve what I want to achieve. The second level is independence: I can take care of myself; I can choose. The third and highest level is interdependence: we can achieve, together, far more than either of us could, individually. It is important to note that dependant people lack the maturity to be truly interdependent. They do not own enough of themselves.
Change in organisations often results in individuals feeling victimised, immobilised and unable to adapt, blaming others for their stagnant situation, leading to a reduction in effectiveness and efficiency. Experience shows that at the lowest level on the maturity continuum, individuals are reactive, ie external circumstances effect individuals in a negative way. Reactive people often blame circumstances and sometimes other peoples’ behaviour for their own emotional responses and their reaction to those responses.
Workshop Overview
This workshop is designed to empower individuals to achieve a level of self mastery, thus enabling them to move from dependence to at least independence and ultimately to interdependence. Where individuals and team members can develop synergy, valuing individual differences but more importantly achieving a higher level of cohesion and performance.
Workshop Aims
This workshop is an eclectic approach to managing change incorporating: Humanistic Psychology; Neuro Linguistic Programming; Cognitive Behavioural Techniques and Coaching. As a result of attending the workshop, delegates will be able to:
- Reframe their interpretation of change
- Address the real issues (what is really going on)
- Address and change negative automatic thoughts (NATS)
- Change negative patterns of behaviour
- Recognise their triad and how they can create and control their emotions
- Incorporate 7 master steps to create lasting change
- Know why they do what they do in relation to the 6 human needs
- Deal effectively with their own internal conflict
- Realise that the human brain has plasticity and therefore our programming can be changed
- Anchor resourceful states
This course is designed for senior management; team leaders and team members.
A workshop manual is provided with practical information, resources and instructions regarding the strategies that are taught within the workshop.
This workshop is a full day workshop, however, it can be adapted to a half day workshop to suit individual requirements. For more information please call: 07914 848253 or email